Lift Every Voice

Lift Every Voice

Monday, July 7, 2014

Love Is Tough

We are all tested everyday for many different aspects of life.  One of the greatest tests of all is to love someone in spite of any wrong doing that they may be involved with around you or even against you.  This could be a significant other in your life, a relative or even a perfect stranger.  You have to learn to not let that person taint or disturb the good energy that is inside of you.  You don't have to like that person, but you must gather the strength to love that person.  That is, you still be the good spirited person inside, and do good things outside.  But, do not let your soul get turned into a negative, vengeful focus because of someone else.

Matthews 5:44
"But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you."

It doesn't take a genius to know that it takes more strength to show restraint than it does to show anger and retaliate.  However, if you spend all day disliking or being angry at someone or something, you know how draining that will be of all your daily strength and positive energy.  So which of the two paths to choose?

In the first path, you are only restraining and redirecting the strength within you to do something positive.  You're actually recycling the good energy within you, and therefore have plenty to spare.  However, in the second path you expend negative energy back into the negative cycle.  It does not replenish itself.  Exacting revenge does not give you to same satisfaction as when you leave someone or something to suffer their demise under their own hand.  That is true satisfaction.

So?  Stay positive! 

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